Homemade Laundry Detergent

I've been making my own laundry soap for a few years after my sister gave us some, trying all the recipes I could find on the web.  This is my version that seems to work the best for me.  The powdered version is the easiest and the one I use most of the time.  It seems to work better if I put the soap directly on the clothes, instead of in the soap dispenser.  I have a frontload HE washer.  Cost at Wal-Mart:  Fels Naptha - 97 cents a bar, washing soda - $1.50 a box, borax powder - $3.50 a box.  Both the washing soda and borax powder do several batches.  The OxiClean doubles the cost.


1 bar Fels Naptha, grated
1 C super washing soda
1 C borax powder
1 C OxiClean (optional)

Place 1/3 soap in blender with 1/3 of the dry ingredients. Blend on low as fine as possible. Mix all together. Use face mask. Use 1-2 Tbs per load. The soap is interchangeable (experiment with what you like – Fels or Zote or 3x as much Ivory).  Makes 40-80 loads 

Liquid Creme:
1 bar Fels Naptha, grated
1 C borax
1 C super washing soda
8 C water, divided

Heat 4 C water on med-high heat. Add grated soap, turn down to medium, and stir almost continuously for 15 minutes or until soap is dissolved. Remove from heat, add washing soda and borax and stir until dissolved, about 5 minutes. Add remaining water, stir and let stand 4-5 hours. Mix with hand mixer on medium speed until smooth. Use 1-2 Tbs per load (Do not add OxiClean to this recipe).


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