Garlic Butter

This is a very versatile recipe.  You can add any spices you want to it.  It's delicious on steamed vegetables, bread, steak and to fry your hash brown potatoes in.


1/2 C softened butter
1-2 large garlic cloves, minced
Salt to taste
Black or white pepper to taste
Fresh spices to taste--parsley, rosemary, dill, basil, Italian seasoning, etc. (optional)

Mix together well.

Note:  You can substitute roasted garlic for the raw garlic.  Get one whole garlic bulb, cut the very tops off with a sharp knife.  Put the bulb (it will most likely be broken up into cloves) in a small covered baking dish and drizzle it all with a little oil.  Bake 350°F for about 30 minutes until garlic is very soft.  Squeeze garlic out through the cut tops and chop.


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